Deoxygenation due to climate change is already detectable in some parts of the ocean. New research finds that it will likely become widespread between 2030 and 2040. Other parts of the ocean, shown in gray, will not have detectable loss of oxygen due to climate change even by 2100. Credit: Matthew Long, NCAR.

What if Sea Life Can No Longer Breathe?

Widespread Loss of Ocean Oxygen to Become Noticeable Around 2030 Deoxygenation Due to Climate Change Threatens Marine Life Joint Release by American Geophysical Union (Lauren Lipuma) and  National Center for Atmospheric Research (David Hosansky and Laura Snider) A drop in the […]

Alligators are opportunistic feeders and will eat just about anything that gets too close to their powerful jaws — from turtles and fish to birds and mammals. Humans, however, aren’t typically a part of their diet, and attacks on humans are rare. Photo: Richard Scearce.

Alligator Advice from NC Wildlife

Wildlife Commission Provides Alligator Tips and Regulations Released by Jodie B. Owen, As the weather warms and alligator sightings become more numerous, the NC Wildlife Resources Commission reminds the public that feeding, harassing or killing […]