By Kay Whatley, Editor
Area Chambers of Commerce, business groups, and local businesses/organizations hold educational events and provide free business training or networking opportunities. Events listed below may take place in the five-county area — Franklin, Nash, Johnston, Wake, Wilson counties — or beyond in Edgecombe, Wayne, and other eastern NC counties.
Events are listed in date order, bottom-to-top. Events may be added; send notices to the editor.
Schmoozapalooza Speed Networking Event
November 30, 2018 @ 9-11:30am
Schmoozapalooza is a mega networking event being held by the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce.
“It’s like speed dating but with networking, and you are the star! Here’s how it works: Each participant will be seated at a table with five other networkers. Each person will have three minutes to describe their business, what sets them apart, and what referrals are best for them. After 18 minutes, schmoozers will rotate to another table. There will be four sets of schmoozing (a.k.a., speed networking).”
This gathering will be held at The Mill Room at The Factory, 1839 S Main Street, Wake Forest NC. Participation fee is $20 for Wake Forest Chamber members, and $25 for non-members. To register (required) and see details/instructions, visit chambermaster.wakeforestchamber.org/events/details/schmoozapalooza-speed-networking-event-2018-11986. With questions, call 919.556.1519.
Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting – Child’s World Drop-In Care
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 @ 5:30-7pm
Join the Chamber for this celebration at Child’s World Drop-In Care, 4011 Village Park Drive, Knightdale NC. A tour of the facility will follow the ribbon cutting. This gathering is open to the public, with registration available here.
With any questions, contact the Knightdale Chamber of Commerce at 919.266.4603.
Small Business Saturday
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Small Business Saturday encourages holiday shoppers to patronize small shops and #BuyLocal. As an example, see this downtown Tarboro NC event (Edgecombe County), see www.facebook.com/events/187737255415045.
(Small Business Saturday is a registered trademark of American Express.)
Annual Banquet
November 20, 2018
Chamber members and guests are invited to the Wendell Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Banquet. Details may be posted at business.wendellchamber.com/events/details/annual-banquet-10509.
CCOC Ribbon Cutting – Keep It On Point Dance Company
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 @ noon-1pm
Join the Clayton Chamber of Commerce for this celebration at Keep It On Pointe Dance Company, 335 Athletic Club Boulevard, Clayton NC. With questions, call 919.553.6352.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – Madelyn’s Flower Shop
Monday, November 19, 2018 @ 11am
Join the Nashville Chamber of Commerce and Kaylan Collie for this ceremony at Madelyn’s Flower Shop, 221 W Washington Street, Nashville NC.
Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting – Trinity Martial Arts
Friday, November 16, 2018 @ 5:30-7pm
Celebrate this new Knightdale Chamber member, Trinity Martial Arts, and meet owner Nathaniel HuntThe ribbon cutting will be followed by a facility’s tour. Open to the public and free to attend. Trinity Martial Arts is located at 4021 Village Park Drive, Knightdale NC. With questions, call the Knightdale Chamber of Commerce at 919.266.4603.
2018 Economic Outlook Luncheon
Friday, November 16, 2018 @ noon-1:30pm
Join the Wayne County Chamber and their partners for this lunch including speakers and networking time. There is a fee of $25 for Chamber members or $35 for non-members. Held at the Goldsboro Event Center, 2317 Salem Church Road, Goldsboro NC. For information, call Lara Landers at 919.734.2241. Online registration available here.
Coffee Connections
Friday, November 16, 2018 @ 8-9:30am
Join the Greater Smithfield-Selma Area Chamber for this networking event at 1025 Outlet Center Drive, F003, Smithfield NC. Enjoy a presentation on a specially-selected topic on the third-Friday of the month. Bring business cards. Call 919.934.9166 with questions regarding this free event.
Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting – AtWork Personnel
Thursday, November 15, 2018 @ 5:30-7:30pm
Celebrate the opening of AtWork Personnel at 3009 Village Drive, Suite D Knightdale NC. Meet owners Stephanie Avery and William Boyd. This event is free to attend. With questions, call the Knightdale Chamber of Commerce at 919.266.4603.
Business After Hours
Thursday, November 15, 2018 @ 5:30-7pm
Join the Wayne County Chamber for this networking event. The sponsor this third-Thursday is Wooten Development Company, Goldsboro NC. Contact the Chamber at 919.734.2241 for details.
Business After Hours
Thursday, November 15, 2018 @ 5:30-7pm
This networking-and-refreshments event by the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce will be co-hosted by Quality Plus Automotive Service and Open Door Furniture and Accents/Help Me Rhonda Interiors, LLC. This month’s BAH will have a “Give Back to the Community” theme. Chamber members are asked to donate something that can be raffled off. Raffle tickets will be $1 per ticket. All proceeds from the sale of raffle tickets during the event will benefit Mazie’s Mission Toy Drive for Duke Children’s Hospital. With questions, call Carol Fekaris at 919.556.1519.
Business After Hours
Thursday, November 15, 2018 @ 5:30-7pm
Join the Garner Chamber of Commerce at this monthly Business After Hours. This date, the gathering is sponsored by Alossi Renewal Spa and held at the Civitan Club of Garner, 1005 Poole Drive, Garner NC. With questions regarding this free event, call April Wood 919.772.6440.
CCOC Ribbon Cutting – Mako Documents
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 @ noon-1pm
Join the Clayton Chamber of Commerce, 301 E Main Street, Clayton NC, for this Ribbon Cutting ceremony celebrating Mako Documents, a new Chamber member.
Cricket Wireless Ribbon Cutting
Friday, November 9, 2018 @ 11:30am-12:30pm
Join the Zebulon Chamber and their newest members, Cricket Wireless, for this special event and reception. Location is 877 E Gannon Avenue, Suite 102, Zebulon NC.
Red Ribbon “Small Business” Showcase
Friday, November 9, 2018 @ 11:30am-1pm
This event by the Knightdale Chamber brings together businesses that may not have a brick-and-mortar location but are doing business in and around Knightdale NC. Come and meet a collection of small business owners and learn about their products and services. With questions, contact the Chamber at 919.266.4603.
Small Business Success: Virtual Conference

Thursday, November 8, 2018 @ 11am-5pm
his business-oriented event will be hosted in the Computer Lab at Braswell Memorial Library, 727 N Grace Street, Rocky Mount NC. Take the opportunity to network and learn. Light refreshments will be available. With questions, contact Joetta L. Pittman via email or by calling 252.442.1942 x.239.
Business Grand Opening
Friday, November 2, 2018 @ 10am
Join the Rocky Mount Area Chamber of Commerce for the Grand Opening of Mama’s Meal located inside of the Golden East Crossing Mall, 1100 N Wesleyan Blvd, Rocky Mount NC. They are a new Jamaican restaurant here in Rocky Mount. Visit Facebook to print their flyer for a 25% discount November 2-9.
Mama’s Meals Grand Opening
Friday, November 02, 2018 @ 10am
Join the Chamber for this grand opening for MaMa’s Meals, located inside the Golden East Crossing Mall, 1100 North Wesleyan Boulevard, Rocky Mount NC.
First Friday Coffee
Friday, November 2, 2018 @ 8-9am
These networking events are held monthly on the first Friday. Held at the Nashville Exchange, West Washington Street, Nashville NC, by the Nashville Chamber of Commerce.
Ribbon Cutting – Active Fitness
Thursday, November 1, 2018 @ 10am
Join the Nashville Chamber of Commerce for this ribbon cutting for chamber member Active Fitness, located at the corner of Cross and Barnes streets, Nashville NC.
The Nashville Chamber is online at nashvillencchamber.org.
SCORE Workshops
Some business-educational events are organized by SCORE at area locations. SCORE — the Service Corps of Retired Executives — is a nonprofit association dedicated to “helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship.” More information about SCORE is online at www.score.org.
NC Small Business Center Network
In addition to opportunities listed, North Carolina’s community colleges offer free business workshops across the state. Find free “Small Business Center Network” classes by searching at www.ncsbc.net. Topics cover finance, marketing, fundraising, and general business/nonprofit issues alongside specialized classes such as food business creation.
Area Chambers/Organizations
The list below includes business organizations in or near the five-county area of North Carolina. Regular chamber member meetings or semi-closed leads group meetings are not included above, but may be found via the links below. Check with, or join, your local Chamber to find out more about regular meetings near your business.
- Bailey Chamber of Commerce — baileychamber.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/baileychamberofcommerce)
- Business Alliance of North Carolina — businessalliancenc.com
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/BusinessAllianceofNC)
- Clayton Chamber of Commerce — www.claytonchamber.com
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Clayton-Chamber-of-Commerce-327576612814)
- Farmville Area Chamber of Commerce — www.farmvillencchamber.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/farmvillencchamber)
- Greater Franklin County Chamber — www.franklin-chamber.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TheGreaterFranklinCountyChamber)
- Greater Smithfield-Selma Area Chamber of Commerce — www.smithfieldselma.com
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/smithfieldselmachamber)
- Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce — www.greenvillenc.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/GPCChamber)
- Knightdale Chamber of Commerce — www.knightdalechamber.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/KnightdaleChamberofCommerce)
- Nashville Chamber of Commerce — nashvillencchamber.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/nashvillencchamber)
- Rocky Mount Area Chamber of Commerce — www.rockymountchamber.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/rockymountchamber)
- Rolesville Chamber of Commerce — rolesvillechamber.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/rolesvillechamber)
- Spring Hope Area Chamber of Commerce — www.facebook.com/SpringHopeChamberOfCommerce
- Tarboro Edgecombe Chamber of Commerce — www.discoveredgecombe.com
(Facebook pages: www.facebook.com/tarboroedgecombe, www.facebook.com/Discover-Edgecombe-1470928686487184)
- Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce — wakeforestchamber.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/WakeForestAreaChamberofCommerce)
- Wendell Chamber of Commerce — www.wendellchamber.com
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/WendellChamberOfCommerce)
- Wilson Chamber of Commerce — www.wilsonncchamber.com
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Wilson-Chamber-of-Commerce-81297209199) - Zebulon Chamber of Commerce — zebulonchamber.org
(Facebook page: www.facebook.com/zebulonchamber)
Ed. Note: Events may be added, update, and this article revised. Be sure to register with meeting organizer(s) to ensure you receive cancellation or postponement notices directly from them.
Business information gathered from public notices shared by chambers and others. If a business event is missing, email details to Kay Whatley at The Grey Area News.