2022 Wake Forest Film Festival Lineup Announced

2022 Wake Forest Film Festival, A Light in the Forest. Source: Town of Wake Forest
2022 Wake Forest Film Festival, A Light in the Forest. Source: Town of Wake Forest

The Wake Forest Film Festival (WFFF) has announced its 2022 program lineup scheduled for Friday-Saturday, March 4-5, 2022, at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S Brooks Street, Wake Forest, North Carolina.

Entitled “A Light in the Forest,” the two-day festival will engage film enthusiasts with more than 30 films of all lengths and genres, including short and full-length, documentary, horror, animation, and student. Intended for both the general public and film professionals, the film festival is an opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their films in a unique location to a discerning audience.

To view the complete two-day schedule, including movie titles and times, visit www.wakeforestrencen.org.

All-access screening passes are on sale for $15 each and will allow unlimited access to the schedule of films throughout the two-day festival, along with question-and-answer sessions with industry professionals on Friday, March 4, at 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 5, at 3:30 p.m.

WFFF tickets may be purchased in-advance at bit.ly/WFFilmFestival. Tickets may also be purchased at the Renaissance Centre Box Office.

For more information, call 919.435.9458 or email rcboxoffice@wakeforestnc.gov.


Source: Bill Crabtree, Town of Wake Forest

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