The Premiere of CBS’s Under The Dome was held Thursday, June 20, 2013, in Wilmington NC. Hosted at the beautiful Thalian Hall, the event included time for Press to meet the stars, producers, directors, and author Stephen King. After the interview and photo time, members of the Press and Premiere ticket-holders were treated to Episode 1 of Under The Dome on Thalian Hall’s big screen. The Grey Area‘s own Frank and Kay Whatley covered the event, with thanks to CBS for the welcome.
(As “Constant Readers” of Stephen King, both were absolutely thrilled to “work” this event for the newspaper.)
Outside of Thalian Hall for the Under the Dome Premiere. Photo by Frank Whatley.
On the way to the Premiere of CBS’s Under The Dome, reporter Kay and photographer Frank made a pit stop at Burgaw to film, and walk around, one of the TV series filming locations. Photo by Kay Whatley.
CBS’ Under The Dome TV series filmed in Wilmington, Southport, and Burgaw. This Burgaw-based Pender County NC Courthouse serves as the Chester’s Mill town hall in the series. They change the name on front for filming, of course. — at Thalian Hall Center for The Performing Arts Inc. Photo by Frank and Kay Whatley.
Pro-film incentive signs on the windows of a Wilmington NC business just up the street from Thalian Hall. Photo by Frank and Kay Whatley.
Thalian Hall with Under the Dome Premiere ticket-holders lined up outside. Photo by Frank Whatley.
Boo-ya! Stephen King’s car outside Thalian Hall during the Under The Dome Premiere in Wilmington June 20, 2013. Photo by Frank Whatley.
Important Notice posted Inside Thalian Hall for the Under The Dome Premiere press and ticket-holders. Photo by Frank and Kay Whatley.
Colin Ford is Under The Dome’s Joe McAlister. Here is young Mr. Ford at the Premiere, standing nonchalantly moments before he was noticed by the throng of Press. Photo by Frank Whatley.
Press and actors mingle and “work” at the Wilmington NC Premiere of CBS’s Under The Dome, June 20, 2013 at Thalian Hall. Photo by Frank and Kay Whatley.
Dean Norris, Under The Dome’s James “Big Jim” Rennie, stops just outside the Press area to have his photo taken with a fan. Photo by Frank and Kay Whatley.
Natalie Martinez, obviously a person with a big sense of humor, plays Deputy Linda Esquivel in CBS’ Under The Dome. At the Premiere, she took a moment to show her smart aleck side. Photo by Frank Whatley.
Another shot of the press area at CBS’s Under The Dome Premiere. Photo by Frank and Kay Whatley.
Look at that smile! Nicholas Strong, who is Phil Bushey Under The Dome. What a nice guy! The Grey Area photographer, Frank Whatley, ran into Nicholas in the hallway later in the evening, and Nicholas said “Hey Frank”. How he could meet so many people, yet remember Frank’s name? … very cool. Frank even got a photo with Mr. Strong before they returned to the screening room. Photo by Kay Whatley.
Jolene Purdy, who plays Dodee Weaver in CBS’s Under The Dome, takes a break after more than an hour of interviews and photographs, as we all await the start of Episode 1. Photo by Kay Whatley.
Rachelle Lefevre, who plays reporter Julia Shumway in CBS’s Under The Dome. Working through the press mass at the Thalian Hall Premiere. Photo by Frank Whatley.
Kacy Lee (in stripes) working hard to ensure all the actors meet all the reporters! At Thalian Hall for CBS’s Under The Dome Premiere in Wilmington NC (June 20, 2013). Thank you, Kacy, for welcoming The Grey Area staffers and ensuring we had tickets for the Episode 1 screening. Photo by Kay Whatley.
The Man Himself, Stephen King, came out to speak with gathered Press in the Thalian Hall lobby, and have photos taken with the cast, as showtime approached. Soon after, all were shuffled into the theatre to watch Episode 1 of CBS’s Under The Dome. Photo by Frank Whatley.
Stephen King at CBS’s Under The Dome Premiere in Wilmington NC (June 20, 2013). The Grey Area’s own Frank Whatley can be seen in the blue shirt at left, joining the queue around Mr. King! Photo by Kay Whatley.
Before showing Episode 1 of CBS’s Under The Dome, the cast and crew took to the Thalian Hall stage for presentations and speeches. Photo by Frank and Kay Whatley.