AMSOIL “First in Synthetics” Since 1972
Contributed by Gerry Reid, AMSOIL Direct Jobber, Lubrication & Filtration Consultant, Zebulon NC
Synthetic lubricants have been around since the early 30’s. The Germans were the first big users during WWII, and they were able to develop the first jet aircraft. Today every Jet in the world must use synthetic oil. Some of the commercial jets you see overhead haven’t had an oil oil change in 3-4 years. The average oil change in Europe is 18,000 miles; and, some manufacturers recommending 24,000 miles (including Mercedes).
AMSOIL produced the first 100% synthetic oil in North America in 1972, a 10W-40, meeting API/SAE specs with a warranted 25,000 mile or one year drain interval.
Albert J. Amatuzio was a Lt. Colonel, flying jet fighters in Air Force, and saw synthetic lubricants in action. These oils are used exclusively in jets because of their extraordinary ability to reduce friction and wear engine components, function at extreme high temperatures, and withstand rigorous and lengthy engine operation without chemical breakdown. Today virtually every other oil manufacturer has followed AMSOIL’S lead with introduction of a type of synthetic oil of there own. AMSOIL is “The First in Synthetics” and the only 25,000 mile / one year oil in North America.
In 1978 I was living on Cape Cod, and driving a 4X4 Subaru on the sand dunes and beach. I mentioned to a buddy of mine that this little station wagon wasn’t going to last long because of the abuse from driving in the sand. I was constantly in first and second gear, and overheating the engine. He gave me a data sheet on AMSOIL 80W-90 Gear Lube that someone had given him. I read it, and was fascinated! The AMSOIL Gear Lube lubricated far better, transferred heat more efficiently, didn’t thicken in cold, didn’t foam, and didn’t turn black from high temperature the way petroleum gear lube did. It was a essentially a lifetime fill.
I had been a diesel engineman on a submarine while in the service, so I had some appreciation for what a lubricant could and couldn’t do.
The problem was, we didn’t know where to get AMSOIL. My friend had forgotten who gave him the one piece of literature. A few months later, I found a small ad in the classified section of the Boston Globe advertising for AMSOIL Dealers. I called for literature and the guy said if I were free the following Saturday he would drive (100 miles) to my house and tell me about AMSOIL. I told him I wasn’t sure if I wanted to use the product, and he may be wasting his time, but he insisted, and said not too worry.
Well, Bob (his name) showed up at my home on Saturday (January, ’78) and we sat at my kitchen table for four hours and talked about synthetic lubrication and the importance of filtration. Bob produced technical data, back up reports, and articles. When he got through, I was 80% convinced that it was the way to go. I bought enough product to convert a ’73 Dodge Wagon and the ’77 Subaru. I became a Preferred Customer because I could buy product at wholesale.
15% Increase In Mileage, 1O-20d. Drop In Idle Engine Temperature, Easier Cold Weather Starting, Increase Idle Rpm’s & 25,000 Mile Oil Change…..
The first week after converting the cars engine, drive train (no transmission fluid at the time), we had a zero degree morning. I went out and started the Subaru and drove off as if it were 70 degrees. Both vehicles improved in MPG by 15%, idle operating temperature decreased by at least 15 degrees, I also had to idle both engines back by 150 to 200 RPMs. (Today the electronics take care of adjusting the idle.) I was amazed and pleased.
I told some friends and relatives, and got them some product, but mostly I just thought that I had gone over the edge by running an engine 25,000 miles/one year.
“You Can Kiss Your Parts Dept Goodbye, Because Things Don’t Wear…”
About three months later, I went to lunch with an old friend (Bobby Martin) who owned a Kenworth Truck Dealership outside of Boston. During lunch we reminisced, and talked about many things including my using synthetic oil. After lunch, back at the dealership and before I left, he asked me to tell his Parts Manager what I knew about synthetic oil. I started to tell the Parts Manager about the Germans using synthetics in WWII, and that every jet engine in the world was lubricated with only synthetic oil, when he put up his hand and stopped me. He said he was fully aware of synthetic lubricants. He then turned to Bobby and said “I don’t know what this conversation is about, but let me remind you what your parts department means to this dealership as far as profit. You use, introduce, or promote synthetic lubricants in the Dealership, for all practical purposes you can kiss your parts department good-bye, because things don’t wear.”
I almost fell out of the chair, because that had not dawned on me until then.
I continued using AMSOIL, telling people about it, and getting some –as a favor –to the few who wanted it. After a few years I was forced into an early retirement for health reasons, and in ’84 moved to Virginia, my wife’s home.
Having time on my hands, I started looking for something to do, and figured AMSOIL would make a good hobby, reminding myself I was not a “salesman.” My wife, Pat, was teaching, and I could do this at my own pace; and, I enjoyed sharing the benefits of synthetic lubrication with others. I became a Dealer.
After over thirty years of pursuing my “hobby”, I had to add a 2-1/2-car garage to our home to operate the AMSOIL business, because it has become full-time. Pat quit teaching because I needed her to help me operate the business. I still consider myself a “social worker” in the sense that I’m helping people by educating them to the advantages and savings of synthetic lubricants. I also consider myself a “Salesman” in the best sense of the word, and realize it does not have to be a negative connotation.
That is my story of how I got involved in AMSOIL. We now have almost 2000 “dealers/preferred customers”, and over 90% are for their own use.
We moved to Zebulon NC in 2005, planning to semi-retire and follow our grandchildren. The pace was too slow and I opened The AMSOIL Store. We are at 122 E Gannon Avenue, in downtown Zebulon NC. (Located between Zebulon Printing and Mincey’s Shoe Shop.)
Come by and visit, and get an education in the benefits of using synthetic oil and micro-fine filters, and see the demo of a filtration system that can be put on a piece of equipment and eliminate oil changes. Call ahead 919.600.2749.
Change Your Thinking, Not Your Oil!
- Extended Oil Changes 25,000/1 year since 1972
- Excellent severe wear protection, 6 times better than petroleum
- Reduced heat/cooler running, transfers heat better
- Maximum fuel economy, up to 15%
- Reduced oil consumption because of low volatility
- More Power, better throttle response
- Dramatically reduces sludge, gum & varnish
- Easier cold weather starting. Pours at -50/-60 below zero.
- Better for environment, less waste oil.
We Carry a complete line of AMSOIL Products: engine oils, ear oils, greases, 2 cycle, transmission fluid, motorcycle oil, ATV/UTV, Dirt Bike, Marine, RV, Heavy Trucking, Racing, Oil filters, Specialty Air Filters, and an add on filter system that can eliminate oil changes. (Come in for demo).
The AMSOIL Store, 122 E Gannon Ave., Zebulon, NC 919.600.2749.
Call 888.450.2658 for a free General Catalog, questions or specialty brochures.
We don’t have specific hours of operation, so call ahead (919.600.2749); we are only 10 minutes away and can meet you.
“A Mind is like a parachute, it only works well if it remains open!”
“It’s not what we don’t know that causes the most trouble; it’s what we DO know that ain’t so.”
— Will Rogers
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.”
— Arthur Shopenhauer