Some situations are viewed in black and white; right and wrong. Yet, many people think situations also have a grey area where solutions are not so easily discerned. This is about the choices people make, and the thought process they go through to arrive at decisions.
Consider: Submitted for Discussion
While doing your holiday shopping, you run into a neighbor at a local boutique. She is working there during the holiday rush.
Catching up with her a bit while you shop, she explains that her husband was laid off from his job of 15 years, and he is also working a holiday job. They are making do, but facing the toughest time of their lives.
You know that they have two children still living at home. You feel sad at their predicament.
Do you think you’d consider their problems as their problems and go back to your shopping? Or, do you think that you might plant to drop gifts off secretly at their home before Christmas? Or, would you think about inviting them to eat with your family? What do you think you would do for a neighbor?
Do you think that they might do the same for you, if you were having tough times?