A Middlesex, North Carolina homeowner and concrete crew had a little “help” on a recent patio pour. The homeowner, also owner of the concrete company and manager of the crew, was completing a concrete patio when one of their local chickens came to check it out.
Video of the chicken attempting to make its mark was shared on TikTok on December 6, 2020, and within three days, more than a million people had viewed TikTok user Nadia’s video.
In the video, the chicken makes tracks along the patio edge. When one of the crew members shoos it away, it takes a short flight to the center of the concrete. There, it creates a butt-landing swoosh before making tracks to the edge of the patio as it runs off.
The chicken was unharmed, and later seen by the crew strutting and pecking around another area of the yard. It did not return to the patio, which was repaired to remove the tracks.
As of December 9, the video starring the curious Middlesex chicken had been viewed more than 1.2 million times.