Funded US Army Corps of Engineers Project to Mitigate Princeville, NC Flooding

Hurricane flooding. Source: North Carolina Department of Public Safety.
Hurricane flooding. Source: North Carolina Department of Public Safety.

On January 10, 2020, the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) announced additional work that it plans to accomplish with supplemental Construction account funding provided in Public Law 116-20, the Additional Supplemental Appropriations Disaster Relief Act, 2019, signed into law June 6, 2019.

Among other things, Public Law 116-20 provided $3.258 billion in five appropriations accounts: Investigations; Construction; Mississippi River and Tributaries; Operation and Maintenance; and Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies.

The Corps will use an estimated $39.6 million provided in the Construction account to complete construction of the Princeville, North Carolina, flood and storm damage reduction project.

Town of Princeville, NC logo
Town of Princeville, NC logo

On September 26, 2019, the Corps announced the allocation of $2.483 billion in the Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies, Operation and Maintenance, and Mississippi River and Tributaries accounts to repair damages to projects resulting from natural disasters and perform emergency dredging of shoaled material deposited at Corps navigation projects by natural disasters.

Said Mr. R.D. James, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works:

“The supplemental funding allocated to the Princeville, North Carolina, project will help to reduce flood risks to this community from storms in the future.”

Said NC Governor Cooper:

“Federal funding for a new levee in Princeville is good news for residents who have been hit hard and are continuing to rebuild. State officials and our congressional delegation have worked for many years to secure funding for this project that will increase safety and resilience for this historic community and we look forward to receiving more information from the Army Corps of Engineers.”

The tables listing the studies and projects receiving funding are posted at under “Supplemental Appropriations for Disasters 2019.”

The Town of Princeville website is


Source: US Army Corps of Engineers

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