Bailey NC Chamber Plans 2016 Chamber Events

Bailey NC Water Tower. Photo Source: Bailey Chamber of Commerce Facebook photo.
Bailey NC Water Tower. Photo Source: Bailey Chamber of Commerce Facebook photo.

Planning Now for Events Through December

The Bailey Chamber of Commerce has big plans for the Town of Bailey NC. The Chamber is planning events including a vendor market, car and truck show, town cleanup, and late-year holiday happenings.

Each year, the Chamber members organize family-friendly and business-oriented events around town. While some dates and times may change, the tentative schedule for Bailey is:

  • Bailey’s First Annual Craft Fair and Flea Market
    March 19, 2016, 8am-2pm
    Located at 6488 Main Street, in Bailey NC. There will be coffee and hot chocolate, as well as a kids area for children to play. Want to be a vendor? Call the Bailey Chamber of Commerce Office at 252.235.6270 or email them.
  • Bailey Spring Clean-up
    April 2, 2016, 8am-2pm
    This annual cleanup gives Bailey residents a chance to work together and get to know each other.  Spring Clean-up Raffle for a .22 Marlin Long Rifle. The Chamber is selling raffle tickets for $5/each. The drawing is at 2pm on Clean-up Day. To purchase tickets, email the Chamber, or call 252.235.6270 during Chamber hours — Wednesday through Friday, 10am-4pm.
  • Back to School Care Packages
    August, date to be determined
    The Chamber will be working with local businesses to distribute school supplies to local students.
  • Fall Fundraiser Raffle Kickoff
    September 20, 2016
    Raffle tickets will go on sale at the Bailey Chamber of Commerce to raise funds to support their local activities. The prize is tentatively planned to be a Henry .22 LR, lever-action rifle. The Chamber will announce the raffle winner on November 5, 2016.
  • Touch-A-Truck and Car Show
    October 15, 2016, 10am-2pm
    This annual event brings vehicles of all types to downtown Bailey. Car enthusiast and families converge on downtown to check out the cars and trucks, and enjoy activities around the event.
  • Miss Bailey Pageant
    November date will be announced later in the year. Chamber Members are working on details for this annual pageant.
  • Christmas Bazaar
    December 2-3, 2016
    December 2 includes the Christmas Tree Lighting at 6pm, followed by a bicycle raffle — open only to attendees 12 and younger who are present for the drawing.
    December 3 brings the Christmas Parade, starting at 2pm.
  •  Deliver Christmas Care Packages
    December 18, 2016
    This year, the Bailey Chamber of Commerce has a goal of 18 care packages, which they deliver to local families in need. The care packages provide some supplies that may be needed for the holiday.

Sponsors and volunteers who would like to assist with a particular event should contact the Bailey Chamber of Commerce at or visit the Chamber website at The Bailey Chamber of Commerce’s meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, starting at 7pm.  Area businesses and community members are welcome to attend and take part in discussions of local interest.

The Chamber office is located at 6270 Main Street, in Bailey NC, and the office telephone number is 252.235.6270. To access a Member application, or view the list of current members, visit

The Town of Bailey NC is located in Nash County. The town website is The town is home to the Country Doctor Museum, Finch Homes for Bluebirds, and a variety of locally owned businesses.

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About Kay Whatley 2309 Articles
Kay Whatley serves as Editor and Reporter with The Grey Area News. Kay is a published author with over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. Kay Whatley is wife to Frank Whatley, founder of The Grey Area™ newspaper and The Grey Area News online news website.