By Donna Campbell Smith
The Franklin County Arts Council (FCAC) Writers’ Guild is sponsoring its third-annual FCAC Writers’ Guild Carolina Prize in Writing contest. The contest is open writers of any age and location for previously unpublished (this includes online publication) poetry, short stories, and essays or creative non-fiction.
This year two prizes will be awarded: one for prose and the other poetry. Each prize will be $100, publication in the 2019 issue of County Lines: A Literary Journal, and two copies of the journal. Up to five honorable mentions may also be named. Honorable mentions will receive publication in County Lines and one free copy.
Entry Fees are $10 for each submission. You may enter as many times as you wish at $10 per entry. Entries and payment must be postmarked by August 15, 2018.
All submissions should be blind (no identifying info) but accompanied by a cover sheet with the title of the piece and writer’s contact info. We will reject any entries with offensive language or derogatory comments toward any person or group.
Poems: Maximum 30 lines excluding the title (1-3 poems will count as one entry) single spaced.
Prose: Double spaced, 12-point font, Maximum 1500 words. One prose piece is one entry.
Submit your contest entry by email. Mailed hard copies are not being accepted. Deadline for submissions is August 15, 2018. Write checks to the Franklin County Arts Council with “Contest entry” in the memo. There will be no refunds. Mail checks to PO Box 758, Louisburg, NC 27549. You may also pay using the Paypal button at FCACARTS.ORG.