City of Rocky Mount NC Offers Housing Assistance Programs

Source: City Of Rocky Mount NC.
Source: City Of Rocky Mount NC.

By Tameka Kenan-Norman, City of Rocky Mount

The city of Rocky Mount is now providing assistance to homeowners for improvement of their residential properties. Residents are now eligible to receive assistance through the city’s Urgent Repair, Housing Repair or Housing Rehab Matching Rebate programs.

The Urgent Repair Program is applicable for homeowners who are at or below 50 percent of the area median income for their family size. Repairs affecting the safe occupancy of a resident’s home are the only eligible repairs.

The Housing Repair Program provides assistance to homeowners with homes that are 50 years of age or older and who earn between 50 and 100 percent of the area median income, which is dependent upon family size. Eligible repairs are for improved energy efficiency or repairs that are needed to ensure safety. Repairs necessary for safe occupancy must be addressed first, and all code violations must be satisfied for both programs. The maximum level of support provided for both the Urgent Repair Program and the Housing Repair Program is at $12,500 in the form of a forgivable loan over a period of five years.

The Housing Rehab Matching Rebate Program is available for any homeowner, without regard to income, whose property was built at least 50 years ago. Repairs may be for system upgrades, energy efficiency or exterior improvements. Rebate assistance will be provided for 50 percent of the total cost of repairs, up to $12,500.

“These housing assistance programs not only assist applicants at various income levels, but they also advance the 2015 housing study,” says Kellianne Davis, community development administrator for the city of Rocky Mount. “The housing study included an analysis of our current housing stock at the time, and these new programs will help to preserve the condition of our neighborhoods, especially our older neighborhoods which help define our community.”

Applicants for the housing assistance programs will be considered on a first come, first served basis. For more information on all programs, visit and select Community Resources. Or, call 252.972.1100.

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