Community Competition in Town of Knightdale NC

Source: Town of Knightdale, NC.
Source: Town of Knightdale, NC.

Released by Brian Bowman, Communications Director

The Town of Knightdale and Duke University graduate students of the Sanford School of Public Policy are kicking off a research project to determine which Knightdale NC neighborhood is the most speed attentive. The students are working closely with Town officials to conduct speed measurements throughout the community. The project will last through the end of April and will culminate in one neighborhood being named as having the best “Speed Safety” in Knightdale.

Many residents will receive a speed survey from the Duke students, as they gauge speed concerns in our community. Covert speed measuring devices will be placed strategically throughout town over the next six weeks. The data will be measured and analyzed to help the Town identify the neighborhood with the strongest adherence to speed limits.

“Speed continues to be one of the most significant concerns for our residents. We field speed complaints on a regular basis and we are interested in seeing how this neighborhood competition might impact the speed of cars traveling through our neighborhoods,” said Chief Lawrence Capps of the Knightdale Police Department. “We hope to build community cohesion as the residents of each neighborhood work together to try and win the ‘Speed Safety’ award.”

The police department conducts speed enforcement each and every day. In 2015, Knightdale officers issued 506 speed citations. “We will continue to enforce speed regulations, but are excited about how this project may help.”

Project planning began in late fall 2015. Baseline speed data was collected during January and early February 2016. The “Speed Safety” community will be honored at a community event this summer.

Knightdale is located in Wake County, North Carolina, a few miles East of Raleigh NC. For more information on the Town of Knightdale, visit

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About Kay Whatley 2309 Articles
Kay Whatley serves as Editor and Reporter with The Grey Area News. Kay is a published author with over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. Kay Whatley is wife to Frank Whatley, founder of The Grey Area™ newspaper and The Grey Area News online news website.