FCAC to Hold Regional Artist Project Grants Workshop

By Donna Campbell Smith, Franklin County Arts Council

Franklin County Arts Council is holding a workshop for artists who want to apply for upcoming grant, and is designed to help them with the application. The grants are funded by NC Arts Council.

The workshop will be held on November 19, 2016, starting at 2pm, at Franklin County Arts Council headquarters, located at 22 S Main Street, in Franklinton, North Carolina.

Franklin County had two recipients win a grant last year: Chris Chappell and Jane Falkner.

This grant program funded by the NC Arts Council provides the opportunity for regional consortia of local arts councils to award project grants to artists in their regions. These grants support professional artists in any discipline and at any stage in their careers to pursue projects that further their professional development. Types of fundable projects include:

  • Creation of new work
  • Purchase of equipment and materials
  • Professional development workshops
  • Travel support for expenses associated with a professional opportunity such as participating in an exhibition or a conference
  • Development or upgrading of promotional materials such as brochures, DVDs, CDs, and websites

Grant amounts vary from region to region. Statewide, they range from $300 to $5,000, though most grants are between $500 and $2,000.

To register for the free workshop, contact Pamela Andrejev at 919.497.6910 or via email.

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About Donna Campbell Smith 78 Articles
Donna Campbell Smith, an author based in Franklinton NC, worked in the horse industry for over thirty years as an instructor, trainer, breeder, and writer. She has an AAS Degree in Equine Technology from Martin Community College and is a certified riding instructor. Smith has written four non-fiction books on equine management: The Book of Donkeys, (The Lyons Press 2016) The Book of Miniature Horses (The Lyons Press 2005), The Book of Draft Horses (The Lyons Press 2007), and The Book of Mules (The Lyons Press 2009). All her books are available at Amazon.com or ask for them at a bookstore near you. Donna is a member of Franklin County Arts Council. Visit her website at www.donnacampbellsmith.net.