Raleigh Dig In! Event Focuses on Food, Gardening

Photo: Frank and Kay Whatley.
Photo: Frank and Kay Whatley.

Dig In Returns

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2016 Advocates for Health in Action DigIn! Event

Released by Advocates for Health In Action

AHA and partner Marbles Kids Museum will host the 7th Annual Dig In! at Marbles on March 12, 2016, exploring urban agriculture, community gardens and edible gardens in school and child care settings, and family garden fun. Download the agenda and register online here!

Rev. Richard Joyner of the Conetoe Life Family Center, Conetoe NC, named a 2015 Top 10 CNN Hero, will keynote Dig In. While Conetoe is a small community in Edgecombe County, Rev. Joyner’s strategy to impact the health of his community members in a positive way translates to all communities. Joyner involves children and the whole community in managing 20 plots of community gardening land, including a 25-acre site. Young farmers help Joyner plant and harvest almost 50,000 pounds of fresh, healthy food. The Conetoe Family Life Center mission is to improve the health of the youth and community by increasing access to healthy foods, increasing physical activities and providing access to health services. Rev. Joyner also serves as community chaplain at Nash General Hospital.

Dig In will also feature:

  • two sets of concurrent break-out workshops
  • workshops on edible community, school and child care gardens
  • optional mini-course on composting/vermicomposting
  • Connecting & Learning Roundtables
  • interactive, educational booths

Who should come to Dig In?

Anyone with an interest in building and serving community, connecting people with local foods, increasing access to healthy, fresh produce; and growing local food systems! Especially:

  • Educators
  • Child care center directors and staff
  • Parents
  • Churches and other faith-based organizations
  • Business leaders
  • Municipal planning and parks and recreation staff
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Advocates

2016 Sponsors!

Many thanks to the sponsors that help make Dig In possible.

Additional sponsors: Wake County Human Services. Many thanks to CompostNow for providing composting and waste recovery services for Dig in!

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About Kay Whatley 2309 Articles
Kay Whatley serves as Editor and Reporter with The Grey Area News. Kay is a published author with over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. Kay Whatley is wife to Frank Whatley, founder of The Grey Area™ newspaper and The Grey Area News online news website.