City of Rocky Mount, NC Celebrates Lineworkers Appreciation Day

The above photo of lineworkers in the Energy Resources department was taken at a date prior to COVID-19 related guidelines that require social distancing. Source: Amy Blanton, City of Rocky Mount
The above photo of lineworkers in the Energy Resources department was taken at a date prior to COVID-19 related guidelines that require social distancing. Source: Amy Blanton, City of Rocky Mount

On April 10, 2013, the US Senate passed a resolution recognizing April 18 as National Lineworkers Appreciation Day. Annually, the city of Rocky Mount, North Carolina, Energy Resources department joins this campaign to recognize lineworkers and the contributions of these brave men and women who protect public safety and work to keep the power on.

The resolution recognizes that lineworkers work under dangerous conditions and put their lives on the line every day with little recognition regarding the danger of their work. Lineworkers are often the first responders during storms and other catastrophic events in order to make the scene safe for other public safety heroes. Says Chris Beschler, director of Energy Resources:

“Our lineworkers work very hard to provide safe, reliable power for our customers. They work long hours around dangerous high voltage equipment and often during severe weather. We are joining utilities across the country on April 18 to recognize and honor our lineworkers for their service to our community.”

Energy Resources currently employs 35 lineworkers who maintain 782 miles of overhead and underground electric transmission and distribution lines. The city of Rocky Mount invites the public to thank lineworkers for the work they do by posting to the Energy Resources Facebook page at

The city of Rocky Mount, located in the Coastal Plains of North Carolina, was incorporated lies in Edgecombe and Nash Counties. Rocky Mount is a two-time All-America City on the Tar River. Serving as the Gateway to Eastern North Carolina, the city’s 875 employees serve
approximately 58,000 residents daily. Visit


Source: Amy Blanton, City of Rocky Mount


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