The Town of Wendell is seeking citizens within the community to help make Wendell, North Carolina a great place to live, work, and play by contributing time on a Citizen Advisory Board.
The Town of Wendell has six Citizen Advisory Boards. Each is unique in size, meeting schedule and purpose. The overall mission is the same: To make Wendell a place in which we can be proud to live, work, play and raise our families. Citizens who serve on these Advisory Boards perform a community service using their skills, interests and initiatives to make Wendell the Small-Town with Big Charm.
Citizen Advisory Boards:
The Appearance Commission consists of five regular members and two alternate members whose mission is to help provide public art and guide beautification efforts within the Town. Their meetings are held on the first Monday of each month in the Wendell Town Hall. Meetings are open to the public.
The Board of Adjustment is a seven-member quasi-judicial board that hears appeals to the Wendell Zoning Code. The Board meets once an appeal has been filed with the Wendell Planning Department. Due to the irregular nature of variance and administrative appeal requests, the Board of Adjustment has no regular meeting schedule. BOA meetings are scheduled by Planning Staff on a case by case basis, based upon the availability of the applicant and Board of Adjustment members. The Board of Adjustment meets in the Wendell Courtroom.
Economic Development Committee
The Wendell Economic Development Committee is an eight-member committee whose mission is to attract and retain new businesses and to promote Wendell as a business-friendly community. The Economic Development Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise noticed. Meetings are open to the public.
Parks and Recreation Commission
The Parks and Recreation Commission is a five-member board that meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Wendell Community Center Conference Room, unless otherwise noticed. The duty of the Parks and Recreation Commission is to provide citizen input in relation to the operation and development of Town-owned park property.
The Planning Board is a nine-member advisory board that makes recommendations to the Wendell Board of Commissioners on rezonings, ordinance amendments, and land use plans within Wendell’s corporate limits and extra-territorial jurisdiction [ETJ]. The Planning Board meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Wendell Board Room.
The Wendell Tree Board is a five-member board that raises tree awareness in Wendell and makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on trees located on public property within the town limits. The Wendell Tree Board members serve as the lead for the Town’s Annual Arbor Day celebration. The Wendell Tree Board meets at least once per quarter, plus additional special called meetings, at Wendell Community Center Conference Room.
Things to Know:
- Most volunteers must live within Wendell’s corporate limits or Wendell’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction*
- Terms for Town of Wendell Citizen Advisory Boards begin July 1 and end June 30.
- Depending on the by-laws of the board, terms may be either two or three years. If an appointment is made to a vacated term, the appointee completes the unexpired term.
- Current Town of Wendell employees are not eligible to volunteer.
- Applications are public record.
- Appointments to Citizen Advisory Boards are made by the Wendell Board of Commissioners during a regular board meeting.
*Wendell’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) is an area outside of the Town’s limits that will potentially become part of the Town’s limits within the next 10 years and is part of the Town’s municipal planning area.
How to Get Involved:
Whether you are interested in recreational activities, economic development, or land-use practices — the Town of Wendell has opportunities for you to volunteer your time and talents.
Citizen Advisory Board Applications are available for submission now, with a deadline of Thursday, May 23, 2019. For more information and a copy of the Application, visit www.townofwendell.com/government/citizen-boards. Turn in your completed Application to the Town Hall located at 15 E Fourth Street, Wendell, NC (27591). If you have questions, contact Town Clerk Megan Howard at 919.366.6894.
Source: Town of Wendell