Acting US Attorney Bob Troyer released the following statement yesterday condemning hate crimes, promising vigorous prosecution when appropriate:
“Hate crimes are not just crimes perpetrated against an individual victim. They attack our entire community by spreading fear and intimidation. Hate crimes can take many forms: violence, intimidation, harassment, or vandalism of property. These are acts of cowardice, and they are serious federal crimes that we will prosecute to the fullest. The US Attorney’s Office will work closely and constantly with community leaders and local, state and federal law enforcement to protect the civil rights of all individuals, regardless of their citizenship status, actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. If an individual’s civil rights are attacked, this office will act.”
There has been a rise in hate-fueled attacks across the US in recent weeks, along with rising fear in many communities.
Source: US Attorney’s Office, District of Colorado