Just ASK! Healthy Schools Grants Available for PTAs in NC

Just ASK! Healthy Schools grants are grants of between $500 and $1000 for units and councils in good standing to improve the health of their school. It’s that simple–we want to know your best idea for how a small amount of money can help your unit fulfill our mission!

This year, we’re using a 2 step process. First, register and complete a school health index on Action for Healthy Kids’ School Portal at https://afhkschoolportal.force.com/CommunitiesSelfReg. If your school has completed one already, review it and update it if necessary.

Then email Marianne Weant at marianne@ncpta.org, and she will send you the link for the final questions. Both steps combined should take less than 1.5 hours. View the school portal guide.

The application period will close on January 15, 2016, and all projects need to be completed by June 30, 2015.

This grant information was released by ncpta.org. According to their website, “The North Carolina PTA (NCPTA) is the state’s oldest and largest volunteer organization advocating for the education, health, safety and success of all children and youth while building strong families and communities. PTAs across North Carolina impact more than 685,000 children and their families.”



Source: NCPTA

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