Terra Vita Stewards’ We Plant it Forward program, in partnership with Gethsemane Seventh Day Adventist Youth Society, will hold a tree giveaway and environmental education activity at Gethsemane Seventh Day Adventist Church, 2525 Sanderford Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. The giveaway is Saturday, February 1, 2020, 6:30-7:30pm (while trees last).
Along with your tree seedling, you will also receive information about the tree you take and proper tree planting instructions. Trees may include Bald Cypress, Red Maple, Chestnut Oak, Silky Dogwood, and Longleaf Pine. The tree seedlings come from the North Carolina Forest Service Nursery.
Terra Vita Stewards volunteers will be on hand to answer any questions people have about planting trees.
Trees provide many benefits to the community include providing shade, producing oxygen, capturing carbon, and gracing us with beauty.
WE PLANT it FORWARD is a program of Terra Vita Stewards a division of the Agni Institute, a scientific educational non-profit organization that aims to build an open community network of people who will make tree planting an everyday practice. Terra Vita Stewards strives to nurture a way of life that moves communities from protecting and restoring the natural environment to nurturing a thriving natural environment. Services include giving away tree seedlings, tree education activities, soil restoration and tree planting.
Gethsemane Seventh Day Adventist Youth Society is a youth group of Gethsemane SDA Church in Raleigh, NC that comes together for fellowship and service to the community.
A future tree giveaway is planned during the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, as part of their Reptile and Amphibian Day, on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 9am-5pm.
For more information, visit terravitastewards.org/weplantitforward.
Source: Maggie Bailey, Terra Vita Stewards