Selma, NC: Polar Bear Run Registration Includes Humans and Their Pets

Polar Bear Run 2022. Source: Melissa Dooley, Town of Selma Parks and Recreation Department
Polar Bear Run 2022. Source: Melissa Dooley, Town of Selma Parks and Recreation Department

Join in the fun with the annual Polar Bear Run (5K run/walk), presented by Selma Parks and Recreation, Register by January 14, and participate in the run on Saturday, January 15, 2022, 10am.

This 5K Run/Walk is unique in that the public can run with their pet.  Be it a dog, cat, or goldfish. Bring a pet (on a leash or in a carrier) and run with them. (Be sure to clean up after your pet along the way.)

Human runners may enter for $10 registration fee — pets are free of charge. The run starting point is at the intersection of Webb and Waddell streets, Selma, NC. Arrive early and register prior to the 10am start.

Medals will be given for Top Runners in both Male and Female categories and first Pet across finish line.

For details and registration link, visit the RecDesk event page. For more information, call Selma Parks and Recreation at 919.965.9841 x.8003.


Source: Melissa Dooley, Town of Selma Parks and Recreation Department

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