Raleigh/Chapel Hill, NC: We Plant It Forward to Hold Tu B’Shevat Tree Giveaways on Feb. 7 & 14

We Plant It Forward logo
We Plant It Forward logo

The We Plant It Forward program will partner with Temple Beth Or for a Tu B’Shevat tree giveaway in Raleigh, North Carolina this Sunday, with a giveaway at a new location, Kehillah Synagogue, the following weekend.

On Sunday, February 7, 2021, 3-5pm, a tree giveaway will be held at Temple Beth Or, 5315 Creedmoor Road, Raleigh, NC. This is the seventh year this located has hosted WE PLANT it FORWARD. Temple Beth Or “House of Light” is a 100 year old reform Jewish synagogue serving the Raleigh area with 500+ members.

WE PLANT it FORWARD also has a tree giveaway scheduled for Sunday, February 14, 2021, 1-3pm, at Kehillah Synagogue, 1200 Mason Farm Place, Chapel Hill, NC. This will be its first giveaway at this location. Kehillah Synagogue an inclusive and engaged Jewish community that inspires people’s lives and deepens Jewish involvement through Jewish celebration, worship, education, social action, and values. Kehillah is a place where members feel they can grow, matter, and belong.

These tree giveaways celebrates Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish new year for the trees.

Tree seedlings. Source: Maggie Bailey, WE PLANT it FORWARD
Tree seedlings. Source: Maggie Bailey, WE PLANT it FORWARD

WE PLANT it FORWARD’s tree seedlings come from the North Carolina Forest Service Nursery. Seedling availability may vary at each event. Trees available may include:

  • Longleaf Pine
  • Black Walnut
  • Eastern Redbud
  • Cherrybark Oak
  • Sweetgum
  • Black Locust
  • Red Maple
  • Northern Red Oak

Trees will be available for no contact curbside pickup in the parking lot. Masks must be worn.

For more details, visit weplantitforward.org/events.

WE PLANT it FORWARD is an environmental non-profit organization that works to restore and preserve the natural environment to bring harmony to all like. We aim to build an open community network of people who will make tree planting an everyday practice. We strive to nurture a way of life that moves communities from protecting and restoring the natural environment to nurturing a thriving natural environment. Services include tree planting, tree giveaways, environmental education and water conservation.


Source: Maggie Bailey, WE PLANT it FORWARD

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