Zebulon Farm Fresh Market will Open: Changes + Added Safety Precautions Announced

Zebulon Farm Fresh Market tent, which facilitates EBT, provides information, and more. Photo: Kay Whatley
Zebulon Farm Fresh Market tent, which facilitates EBT, provides information, and more. Photo: Kay Whatley

The Zebulon Farm Fresh Market (ZFFM) will open as originally scheduled, with changes including added coronavirus safety precautions.

ZFFM will start with a Wednesday pop-up market, followed by a regular market Saturday, for which May Day activities have been canceled.

  • Wednesday, April 22, 2020 @ 5-8pm (Pop-Up Market)
  • Saturday, May 2, 2020 @ 9am-1pm

Saturday markets will be held during the same hours each week.

The market has been moved downtown, for the time being, to the intersection of W Vance Street and N Arendell Avenue, Zebulon, North Carolina.

In its recent announcement, ZFFM outlined steps that will be taken to keep shoppers and vendors safe:

  • The Zebulon Farm Fresh Market has been moved, until further notice, to Downtown Zebulon to a location staff can easily monitor to provide a safe space for residents to shop for local products in a timely manner.
  • Only essential businesses will be permitted to operate at the Zebulon Farm Fresh Market.
  • Practice social distancing while visiting the Market and maintain 6 feet from one another.
  • The market layout will prioritize space between vendor tents to allow plenty of space while waiting in line.
  • To further promote social distancing, we are asking only one customer or family unit at a booth.
  • The market will provide handwashing and sanitizing stations. Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands on a regular basis.
  • Special events and activities have been postponed until further notice. This includes kid’s activities, live music, food trucks, cooking demonstrations and special events.
  • Vendors will be wiping down surfaces with disinfectant frequently.
  • Vendors will not be sampling items.
  • Non-produce items will be pre-packaged.
  • Allow your vendors to pick up and bag your purchases, please do not touch anything that you are not going to purchase.
  • Many of our vendors offer no-touch payment options.
  • SNAP/EBT will continue to be accepted and the Market Match Program will continue to match EBT purchases up to $25.00. Please visit the Market Information Booth during the market for more information.
  • Many of our vendors are offering pre-ordering, curbside pickup, off-site pickup, and even home delivery.
  • A new page to our website lists alternate options for purchasing from our vendors if you are unable to shop in person.
  • Pre-order from vendors when possible, a parking area has been dedicated for pre-orders if you do not wish to leave your car.
  • If you are experiencing symptoms such as fever or dry cough, stay home to take care of yourself and protect others if you are sick.
  • If you are an at-risk population (older adults or immunocompromised individuals) we encourage minimize your exposure to people.

Follow Zebulon Farm Fresh Market on Instagram and Facebook to keep up-to-date.

ZFFM began in the Spring of 2015, after receiving a grant from The John Rex Endowment to cover the first three years of market start-up. The market continued with town funding, starting with the 2018 season. Initially, the market was hosted at the Zebulon Community Center, moving to the Town Municipal Complex in 2016.


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About Kay Whatley 2309 Articles
Kay Whatley serves as Editor and Reporter with The Grey Area News. Kay is a published author with over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. Kay Whatley is wife to Frank Whatley, founder of The Grey Area™ newspaper and The Grey Area News online news website.