Carmike 10-Wilson Movie Review: The Possession

By Kay Whatley, Editor

The movie review this issue is The Possession, a newly released supernatural horror film.

The story revolves around a box referred to as a dibbuk box. It is professed to hold an imprisoned evil spirit, and the movies shows how the evil possesses one of the daughters.

Being possessed is presented differently than in other horror movies I’ve seen. It has a somewhat new and interesting plot. What happens to the family is scary to think about, there are a few suspenseful scenes, and a few things made us jump; however, I wouldn’t call it horribly frightening.

Hard core horror fans may like the original story. It might not make them as scared as they would like, or be gory or bloody enough for them. For those who like tamer movies with little gore, this may be a “horror” film to enjoy.

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About Kay Whatley 2309 Articles
Kay Whatley serves as Editor and Reporter with The Grey Area News. Kay is a published author with over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. Kay Whatley is wife to Frank Whatley, founder of The Grey Area™ newspaper and The Grey Area News online news website.