Been to an outdoor movie lately? Your town’s movie event likely didn’t get national attention like The Bed Cinema’s event in Denver, Colorado this week.
Set up as four days of movie-watching on comfy air mattress, complete with food trucks and popcorn, the setup went awry when the wind blew. Mattresses that had been spread out on the ground began flying away. Seriously.
A video shot by Robb Manes was shared via his YouTube, and you can watch the original “The Great Mattress Migration of 2019” here.
Since the video’s release, it has not only gone viral, but new versions dubbed with The Ride of The Valkyries and other music are showing up on Twitter.
See the local news story on The Denver Post.
Watch for future events by The Bed Cinema on EventBrite.
And best of luck to the event organizers for future events, which will hopefully gain more attendees from the attention. And less wind.