The Saturday after Thanskgiving is “Small Business Saturday.” It is designed as a day encouraging holiday shoppers to spend their money with small businesses, drawing attention to the Mom and Pop shops and locally-owned businesses that depend on community support for survival.
Originally started by American Express, Small Business Saturday has become a national movement. Some background is given in this 2016 article.
Cities and towns around Eastern North Carolina are holding special events, some with special sales. NC events vary from town-wide celebrations to special happenings at individual shops.
There are too many Small Business Saturday events across the state to list. Some are listed in the AmEx search tool for 2017 events.
Take the opportunity to shop for holiday gifts where your dollar helps local business owners, and keeps more money in the local economy. Any small business may be lifted up by your purchases, even if there is no official Small Business Saturday event in the area. Shop Small. Shop Local.