Eastern NC Business Events in Late February 2018

Business Happenings 2018
Business Happenings 2018

By Kay Whatley, Editor

Area Chambers of Commerce, business groups, and local businesses/organizations hold educational events and provide free business training or networking opportunities. Events listed below may take place in the five-county area — Franklin, Nash, Johnston, Wake, Wilson counties — or around the area in Edgecombe, Pitt, and other counties.

Seven Secrets to Financial Success for Small Business Owners

Monday, February 26, 2018 @ 6:30-8:30pm

This workshop will be held at Northeast Regional Library, 7009 Harps Mill Road. Raleigh NC. “If you are an entrepreneur and you are not making the profits that you want and need in the business, don’t fully understand the numbers in running your business, and are wishing you could get a better handle on the finances in order to spend more time with your family, come learn the secrets to financial success. Find out what many real-life entrepreneurs learned the hard and expensive way,with easy-to-understand solutions.” Speaker is Sylvia Inks, small business financial coach, bestselling author, and speaker.   To register, visit their events page. With questions, contact Raleigh SCORE via email or call 919.869.4151.

This workshop will also be held on Monday, March 5, 2018, 6:30-8:30pm, at Northeast Regional Library, 7009 Harps Mill Road, Raleigh NC.

Ribbon Cutting-Tarboro

Friday, February 23, 2018 @ noon-1pm

Join the Tarboro-Edgecombe Chamber of Commerce for this free, public ribbon cutting for the Pink Ribbon Cafe,  411 Main Street, Tarboro NC (the old Addie’s).

Knightdale Chamber Young Professionals Meetup

Thursday, February 22, 2018 @ 8:30-9:30am

Are you interested in connecting and engaging with Young Professionals in the Knightdale area? Then join the Knightdale Chamber and connect with young professionals in the area at this first Meetup. Connect with young professionals and provide input on ways to keep Knightdale thriving. Held at The Coffee Chamber, 903 Smithfield Road, Knightdale NC. Meeting is free. Registration link available via this page. Questions, call 919.266.4603.

Ribbon Cutting-Wilson

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 @ 11am-noon

Join the Wilson Chamber of Commerce and check out the renovated fitness room at the Wilson Senior Center, 1808 Goldsboro Street S, Wilson NC.

Coffee Connections with Johnston County Arts Council

Friday, February 16, 2018 @ 8-9:30am

This is a structured networking event that takes the guesswork out of networking. Attendees will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and their business to the entire group. Each session will include relevant business topics discussed in small groups. Entry is free with a business card. Gather at the Nestle Toll House Cafe, F003, 1025 Outlet Center Drive, Smithfield NC. With questions, contact 919.934.9166.

Station Square Open House and Ribbon Cutting

Thursday, February 15, 2018 5:30-7pm

Held at Station Square, Suite 136, 301 S Church Street, Rocky Mount NC. Come for this ribbon cutting and see the reinvention of this historic square. Craft beer and refreshments provided. RSVP via email or visit stationsquarenc.com.

Ribbon Cutting-Nashville

Thursday, February 15, 2018 @ 11am

Join the Nashville (NC) Chamber of Commerce for the Twin Counties Mattress by Appointment ribbon cutting. Network and learn about this business. Gathering is at 107 C. West Nashville Drive, Nashville NC (near Bojangles).

SCORE Workshops

Some business-educational events are organized by SCORE at area locations. SCORE — the Service Corps of Retired Executives — is a nonprofit association dedicated to “helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship.”  More information about SCORE is online at www.score.org.

NC Small Business Center Network

In addition to opportunities listed, North Carolina’s community colleges offer free business workshops across the state. Find free “Small Business Center Network” classes by searching at www.ncsbc.net. Topics cover finance, marketing, fundraising, and general business/nonprofit issues alongside specialized classes such as food business creation.

Area Chambers/Organizations

The list below includes business organizations in or near the five-county area of North Carolina. Regular chamber member meetings or semi-closed leads group meetings are not included above, but may be found via the links below. Check with, or join, your local Chamber to find out more about regular meetings near your business.



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About Kay Whatley 2309 Articles
Kay Whatley serves as Editor and Reporter with The Grey Area News. Kay is a published author with over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. Kay Whatley is wife to Frank Whatley, founder of The Grey Area™ newspaper and The Grey Area News online news website.