Comic World in Zebulon, North Carolina will be holding its second-annual Halloween Bash on Thursday, October 31, 2019, 5-8pm. Come in costume and join the fun with an in-shop haunted house and a chance to collect candy and more.
In order to receive Halloween candy, kids trick-or-treat through the attractions and “Swamp Thing” themed haunted house. Don’t worry, though, it’ll be kid-friendly and fun. The design has no gore, though there might be a “jump” scare or two. A light will be provided for each child to carry as they walk through. Haunted house entry is free.
Each child, in addition to candy, will receive a free Halloween comic book.
The Halloween Bash includes a children’s costume contest, too, with one winner receiving a gift certificate. Costumes need to be kid-friendly and non-scary. The child who receives the most “Likes” on their photo on Comic World’s Facebook page will win a $25 gift certificate for the store.
Comic World is located at 122 E Gannon Avenue, Zebulon, NC. Parking is available in front and in the adjacent lot — by the old Mincey’s Shoes building.
NOTE: If you’d like to help this local business prepare for this event, donations of fake leaves, vines, and flowers would be welcome.
For updates, Follow Comic World on Facebook at www.facebook.com/zebuloncomics.