Franklin County Arts Council’s Annual Quilt Show is Aug. 16

Quilt Show in August is part of the FCAC 3rd Friday with the Artist event series. Source: Ellen Queen, Franklin County Arts Council
Quilt Show in August is part of the FCAC 3rd Friday with the Artist event series. Source: Ellen Queen, Franklin County Arts Council

Franklin County Arts Council is hosting its annual Quilt Show during the August 3rd Friday with the Artist event. The Quilt Show is not just for quilters; it’s also for people who enjoy the fiber arts and seeing where the quilts of our grandmothers have evolved.

Quilting was a craft born of necessity; a necessity born of scarcity with quilts made of cast-off scraps of fabric, often left over from making a family’s clothing.  Today quilting remains extremely popular among North Carolinians, though most practice the craft as a hobby rather than as a necessity. The 3rd Friday Quilt Show features 10 quilters from Franklin and surrounding counties with at least 1 antique quilt made in the 1960s.  On display, will be traditional as well as contemporary quilt designs.

Attend the Quilt Show / 3rd Friday with The Artist on Friday, August 16, 2019, 6-8pm — and vote for “Best In Show” — at the Gallery on Main, 118-B North Main Street, Louisburg, North Carolina.

Quilts selected for the show were created by local quilters:

  • Kathy Dolezal
  • Pat Belscher
  • Lisa Binion
  • Gayle Vargo
  • Dawn Heller
  • Cheryl VanGraafeiland
  • Jan Marie Potter
  • Jan Lattimer
  • Joyce Neff
  • Carolyn Andrews

Quilts will be on display and for sale beginning August 16 through September 7, 2019.


Source: Ellen Queen, Franklin County Arts Council

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