Chuckle of the Issue: Golfing

The new golfer muffed his tee shot into the woods, then hit the ball into a few trees, then proceeded to hit across the fairway into the woods on the other side.

Finally, after banging away several more times, he proceeded to hit the ball into a sand trap.

All the while, he’d noticed that the club professional had been watching him.

“What club should I use now?” the new golfer asked the pro.

“I don’t know,” the pro replied. “What game are you playing?”

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About Kay Whatley 2309 Articles
Kay Whatley serves as Editor and Reporter with The Grey Area News. Kay is a published author with over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. Kay Whatley is wife to Frank Whatley, founder of The Grey Area™ newspaper and The Grey Area News online news website.