Activities for fun, health, or education are being hosting at East Wake Senior Center in 2017. Call Tanya Barrett of the EWSC 919.365.4248 for more information or to register for any of these offerings.
Unless otherwise noted, the location is East Wake Senior Center, 323 Lake Drive, Wendell NC.
In addition to the listed events, Eastern Wake Senior Center is in need of a Volunteer Pianist to assist our Choir once a week on Thursdays, 10-11am, for practice and possibly 1-2 times a month to go out into the community for performances.
Resources for Seniors and Caretakers
Susan McGuire, Service Coordinator with Resources for Seniors, will be at East Wake Senior Center to assist any senior, disabled adult or anyone caring for someone with disabilities with programs and services available to them. Call 919.365.4248 to find out more about the available appointment days and times.
Spanish Classes
Coming in January 2017, the center is hosting a Spanish Level 1-Beginner class and a Spanish Level 2-Advanced Class. Classes will be held on Thursdays, beginning January 19, 2017, and running through March 16, 2017. The beginner class is 11am-1pm and advanced class is 1-3pm.
Arts-related Offerings
“Intro to Line Dance” is coming January 24, 2017. Come and learn the basics of line dancing and have a great time! This is a six-week class held on Tuesdays, noon-1pm. Call 919.365.4248 to sign up.
Painting classes with instructor John Duzs are planned for Thursdays from 1-4pm. Call for upcoming dates.
Fitness and Health
Hearing screenings hosted by Triangle Hearing Service will be available to the public from 11am-2pm. Sign-up for a screening today.
Fit and Strong and Living Healthy with Chronic Conditions is coming in March 2017. These evidence-based self-management classes are designed to help teach how to manage arthritis and other diseases.
Financial Workshop
Join instructor Joe Paradise for the Triangle Family Services Information Workshop, for information on getting help in making complex financial decisions including: Social Security, Estate Planning, improving or repairing credit, understanding/sorting medical bills, and more. This workshop is open to the public. Register for this event, scheduled for Tuesday, January 17, 2017, 10-11am.
Financial Coaching
Triangle Family Services also offers one-on-one appointments with Joe Paradise to discuss any financial concerns you have. Coaching sessions include topics relevant for you: Social Security, Medicare, Reverse Mortgages, benefit programs, senior discounts and bargains, senior investing, long term care, estate planning, how to improve & repair credit, debt management plans for credit card debt, help in understanding/sorting medical bills, help in making complex financial decisions and much more.
Appointment days and times are:
Thursday – February 16, 2017, 1-4pm
Thursday – March 16, 2017, 1-4pm
Call 919.365.4248 to make your appointment with Joe. Information forms must be completed before your appointment.
Tax Assistance for Seniors
Tax Time Again! The AARP Tax Assistance Program will be held at Longview Baptist Church, 2308 N New Hope Road, Raleigh NC. Call 919.365.4248 after January 1, 2017, for a tax-prep appointment.
Valentine Sweetheart Dance
Come for a variety of good music, fun, and Fellowship. Bring friends and family members to dance the night away on Friday, February 3, 2017, 5-8pm. Tickets are $5, and go on sale starting Monday, January 9, 2017, or pay at the door. Bring a crockpot of soup, chili, or stew to share. Bring your dancing shoes to this event on Friday, February 3, 2017. The location is 323 Lake Drive, Wendell NC. This event is open to the public — ages 30 and up. Door prizes will be available.
Mobile Mammography Day
East Wake Senior Center will be hosting its semi-annual Rex Mobile Mammography event on Thursday, February 2, 2017. Rex Mobile Mammography will be on site at Eastern Wake Senior Center. Appointment and Pre-Registration forms due by January 19, 2017. Appointments are 10am-2:30pm. Call 919.365.4248 or stop by the center to make an appointment. Bring valid identification — photo ID and insurance card. If you do not have insurance, assistance forms are available from the EWSC staff.