US Coast Guard Responding to Diesel Spill Near Port Reading, New Jersey

The Coast Guard is responding to a diesel fuel spill that occurred in the Arthur Kill Waterway near Port Reading, New Jersey, Thursday night, September 6, 2018.

At approximately 7:15pm, watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector New York received a report of a diesel fuel spill during a product transfer at the Buckeye Terminal in Port Reading.

Due to high winds and rain at the time of the incident, facility personnel were unable to calculate the exact amount of fuel spilled into the waterway.

A pollution response team from Coast Guard Sector New York is currently on scene to help mitigate the situation. An oil spill removal organization has been contracted to clean up the spill, and they have placed containment boom in the water.

Representatives from Middlesex County Hazmat, New Jersey Department of Environment Protection, and the Environmental Protection Agency are also responding to the incident.

One barge was involved in the spill and is inside the containment boom. The condition of the barge is being evaluated by the federal on scene coordinator and marine inspectors from Sector New York.

All fuel transfers at the facility are temporarily suspended until investigators can determine the cause of the spill and the facility can safely conduct fueling operations.

Coast Guard Sector New York Vessel Traffic Service is monitoring all marine traffic in the immediate area. All concerned vessel traffic should contact Vessel Traffic Service at 718-354-4088 or the Sector Command Center at 718-354-4152.

The cause of the incident is currently under investigation.

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