RMPD Citizens Police Academy to Include New Topics

Citizens Police Academy notice. Source: RMPD, Rocky Mount NC.
Citizens Police Academy notice. Source: RMPD, Rocky Mount NC.

Released by Tameka Kenan-Norman, Public Affairs Manager

The Rocky Mount Police Department (RMPD) will hold its 36th session of Citizens Police Academy in just a few weeks.

The academy classes are scheduled for every Tuesday starting April 5, 2016, through May 17, 2016. Class takes place each evening from 6pm to 9pm. In addition to academy staples like Elements of CrimeSearch and SeizureLaw and Drugs, and Gangs, new topics covered for 2016 include Know Your RightsGreen Dot, and Fair and Impartial Policing.

“We aren’t taking out any of our previous topics or making the session longer,” says Yvette Jones, community services manager for RMPD. “We’re just making room for discussing these new initiatives that have been at the forefront recently.”

Know Your Rights began as a way to help residents better understand what their rights are when dealing with police officers in various situations. The program received national attention and acclaim for its proactive nature.

Green Dot focuses on various violence-prevention techniques which use community members to do their part in ending violence. Green Dot includes the 3D’s: Direct, Delegate, and Distract.

Direct – do something when you see a person committing a crime.
Delegate – if you’re afraid to do something, ask your friends to help or talk to someone you trust.
Distract – tell a joke, drop a package, or set off a car alarm to divert the situation.

Fair and Impartial Policing has to do with specialized training that was undertaken by the RMPD beginning last year.

“We are really excited to add these new topics and hope our citizens will come out and learn more about our department and what we do,” says Jones. Citizens Police Academy is free of charge, but does require a completed application. Applications including waiver may be found under the Community Programs tab at rockymountnc.gov/police.

Participant requirements include:

  • Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Participants must reside or work within the City of Rocky Mount, be business owners in the community, or otherwise have a vested interest in the community.
  • Participants must complete an application.
  • Participants must undergo a background investigation to include a criminal history check.

As part of the academy, participants are given an opportunity for a “ride along” with an RMPD patrol officer, and to participate in “mock court” and firearms training. Upon completion, the academy participants receive certificates and become members of the Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association.

The City of Rocky Mount began the academy program in 2010, and offer it twice each year.

For more information or questions about the Citizens Police Academy, contact Yvette Jones at 252.972.1436. The police department is online and on Facebook.

Rocky Mount NC is a city in Eastern NC, spread across Nash and Edgecombe Counties. The Rocky Mount NC Metropolitan Statistical Area includes approximately 200,000 residents. The Rocky Mount Police Department’s workforce in 2015 had 209 full-time authorized positions, which included 163 sworn positions and 46 civilian positions.

Citizens Police Academy notice. Source: RMPD, Rocky Mount NC.
Citizens Police Academy notice. Source: RMPD, Rocky Mount NC.
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About Kay Whatley 2309 Articles
Kay Whatley serves as Editor and Reporter with The Grey Area News. Kay is a published author with over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. Kay Whatley is wife to Frank Whatley, founder of The Grey Area™ newspaper and The Grey Area News online news website.