Bunn Fun Day Seeking Sponsors

Photo Source: Town of Bunn.
Photo Source: Town of Bunn.

Second Annual Event Offers Local Businesses Sponsorship Opportunities

By Kay Whatley and Sherry Mercer 

The Town of Bunn is bringing back their Bunn Fun Day for a second time. The family-friendly event offers residents and visitors a chance to listen to music, dance, enjoy tasty foods, and shop local vendors outdoors in the Spring Air.

Bunn Fun Day 2016 is set for April 23, 2016, from 10am to 4pm. In preparation, local businesses and previous-year sponsors have been invited to support the event. In return for event sponsorship, Bunn signs and banners during the event list sponsor names.

During January, the Call For Vendors begins. Local crafters, food makers, wood workers, business owners, and nonprofits may sign up to sell their wares or share information during the Fun Day. Stop by the Bunn Town Hall to pick up a form and reserve a booth.

Entertainment this year includes Bluegrass, performed by the Franklin County band, Steady Drive, which recently released a music CD.  More entertainers are planned, with sponsorships needed to make them all possible.

Bunn is known in Franklin County and the surrounding areas for their parades and family-oriented events. During the Bunn Centennial Year, 2013-14, each month a special event brought people out of their homes and from neighboring counties to participate.

To learn more about the planned festivities for April 23, email Sherry Mercer or visit the Town of Bunn on Facebook. Sponsorship slots and vendor booth spaces are limited, so early registration is recommended.

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About Kay Whatley 2309 Articles
Kay Whatley serves as Editor and Reporter with The Grey Area News. Kay is a published author with over 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. Kay Whatley is wife to Frank Whatley, founder of The Grey Area™ newspaper and The Grey Area News online news website.