Interested in starting a business? Feel like you need more information on how to get going, or grow your start-up? The North Carolina Small Business Center Network offers free business workshops across the state. Many are held at community college locations, with hundreds of locations statewide.
Workshops range from general business classes to nonprofit assistance, accounting, and specialized business topics — including drone business opportunities.
A sampling of upcoming workshops is included below, focused on Eastern North Carolina. To find locations and workshops near you, visit www.ncsbc.net/events.aspx.
Most workshops require registration. Be sure to register in advance to avoid missing the training you are seeking, and to ensure you receive updates for any time/location differences.
Rocky Mount NC — How to Start a Small Business – the ABC’s
September 1, 2016 6-9pm
Held at the Edgecombe Community College, Barnes Building, Room 153, 225 Tarboro Street, Rocky Mount NC.
Understand the basics of starting a business in this seminar that takes you from idea to opportunity. Learn key strategies for start-up, financing, and marketing as well as important information about legal issues, licensing, zoning, operations, and more. Realize the importance of a self-assessment and how to evaluate the feasibility of your business idea. Discover the resources available to help you start and successfully operate your business.
Register online, or call 252-823-5166 ext. 247
Clayton NC — How to Write a Small Business Plan
August 30, 2016 @ 6-9pm
Held at the Johnston Community College, Johnston County Workforce Development Center, 135 Best Wood Drive, Clayton NC.
A strong business plan is a critical part of business success. Set yourself up for the success of your small business with proper planning. This workshop covers the basics you need to put together a business plan that will assist you with start-up and funding your business. There is no need to buy expensive software to write a business plan. This seminar and the SBC counseling will be your software.
Each student/attendee must register separately with their own email address. If you register and are not able to attend, please call or email the SBC at least 12 hours before the event. Students/Attendees must be 18 years or older.
Register online, or call 919.209.2015.
Cary NC — The Sky’s the Limit for Drone Entrepreneurs!
August 29, 2016 @ 6:45-9pm
Held at the Wake Technical Community College West Campus, Room 118, 3434 Kildaire Farm Road, Cary NC.
Did you know there is estimated to be more than 7 million drones in the sky by 2020? Now is the time to learn about opportunities to start or grow your business around this new technology.
In this seminar you will learn about UAV basics, business applications for unmanned aerial vehicles and how they are revolutionizing the business world in various industries, such as:
- Industrial Inspections
- Real Estate
- Aerial Surveys
- Agriculture and Crop Surveillance
- Insurance Claims and Inspections
- Photography and Videography
- Security Systems and Services
- Drone and Pilot Rental Services
- Technology Improvements
- Build and Repair Drones
- Drone Startup Investing
Learn about regulations surrounding the drone industry and the requirements to become a certified drone pilot.
Register online, or call 919.335.1019.
Rocky Mount NC — How to Finance a Small Business
August 25, 2016 6-9pm
Held at the Edgecombe Community College, Barnes Building, Room 153, 225 Tarboro Street, Rocky Mount NC.
Financing continues to be a challenge for many small business owners. Questions range from, Who will give me money for my business idea and what do they need from me, to How will this business make money and will it be enough to pay back a loan or attract an investor? Get to the heart of business financing in this seminar that answers your questions. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of funding sources and how to choose the right one for your needs. Discover the keys to financing success.
Register online, or call 252.823.5166 x.247
Clayton NC — So You Think You Want to Start a Small Business
August 23, 2016 @ 6-9pm
Held at Johnston Community College, Johnston County Workforce Development Center, 135 Best Wood Drive, Clayton NC.
Have you always dreamed of starting a small business, but did know where or how to begin? This seminar will give you much information on the first baby steps for the beginning process of starting a small business. Other SBC seminars will be a continuation of this one.
Each student/attendee must register separately with their own email address. If you register and are not able to attend, please call or email the SBC at least 12 hours before the event. Students/Attendees must be 18 years or older.
Register online, or call 919.209.2015.
Wilson NC — Record Keeping and Taxes for Small Business Owners
August 23, 2016 @ 6-9pm
Held at Wilson Community College, Building E Room E101, 902 Herring Avenue, Wilson NC.
Are you still trying to determine which record keeping method or software is best for you? In this workshop you will understand the different accounting methods and become familiar with financial terms that are currently confusing. You will be given a basic introduction to bookkeeping and discuss the different software now available.
Register by 3pm, August 23, 2016. Register online, or call 252.246.1209.
Wilson NC — How to Start a Business
August 18, 2016 @ 6-9pm
Held at Wilson Community College, Building E Room E101, 902 Herring Avenue, Wilson NC.
Starting your own business may seem like an overwhelming task, but it really is not so hard if you take it step by step. This workshop is an in-depth walk-through on the mechanics of developing a business concept, feasibility, licensing, and the written plan, plus financial projections by line item. This is a must for those starting their own home-based, e-commerce, or brick & mortar business.
Register by 3pm, August 18, 2016. Register online, or call 252-246-1209
Louisburg NC — Social Media Simplified: A Complete Introduction to Social Media Marketing
August 17, 2016 9-11am
Held at the Vance-Granville Community College Small Business Center – Franklin Campus, 8100 NC 56 Highway, Louisburg NC.
This program teaches how to set up and optimize social media sites so they improve your website’s target audience reach. The top social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube will be covered. The ability to converse with your audience and offer valuable content is essential in this emerging marketing approach. Topics covered include: your websites as “hub”; engagement over shouting; know what you hope to achieve before you begin; and how to deal with negative nellies.
Register online, or call 252.738.3240.
Wake Forest NC — Getting It All Done: Time Management and Organization for Small Businesses
August 16, 2016 @ 9-11am
Held at the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce, 350 South White Street, Wake Forest NC.
Trying to get everything done can be impossible in today’s up-to-the-minute world. What if you could set and meet your priorities, work more effectively with the people around you, dig out from under the paperwork and email avalanche, and move closer to a balanced life, wouldn’t that come close to getting it all done?
Learn how to:
• Find an extra hour a day.
• Plan on purpose and plan with a purpose.
• Deal with difficult people.
• Set and track priorities: Are you trying to do too much?
• Meet timelines and deadlines: How to do three things at once.
• What to do in times of crisis and conflict.
• How to handle the information avalanche.
• Get it done and go home on time.
Register online, or call 919.335.1001.
Rocky Mount NC — How to Start a Successful Business
August 11, 2016 @ 6-9pm
Held at the Nash Community College Small Business Center, Continuing Education Building, 522 N. Old Carriage Road, Rocky Mount NC.
This 3-hour workshop will give you an overall understanding of the steps you need to take to make your dream of owning your own business a reality.
Register online, or call 252.451.8233.
Greenville NC — How to Start a Small Business
August 4, 2016 6-9pm
Held at the Pitt Community College SBC, PCC Greenville Center, 3107 S Memorial Drive, Greenville NC.
Understand the basics of starting a business in this seminar that takes you from idea to opportunity. Learn key strategies for start-up, financing and marketing as well as important information about legal issues, licensing, zoning, operations and more. Realize the importance of a self-assessment and how to evaluate the feasibility of your business idea. Discover the resources available to help you start and successfully operate your business.
Register online, or call 252.493.7625.
Raleigh NC — ABC’s of Starting a Business
August 4, 2016 @ 6:45-9pm
Held at the Wake Technical Community College, North Campus, Building E, Room 235, Raleigh NC (new location).
Find out what it takes to start your own business! Explore legal entities, financing options, business plans, and much more.
Register online, or call 919.335.1001.