Compiled by Kay Whatley, Editor
Updated due to Downtown Live! and Knightdale movie cancellations.
This list may include events from North Carolina counties of Edgecombe, Franklin, Nash, Johnston, Wake, Wayne, Wilson, and beyond — occasionally including unique coastal or mountain events.
While most listed events are free, ticketed or fee-for-entry events may be included.
Events may be rescheduled/delayed or locations changed. Contact an event’s organizer directly.
To suggest an event, email the editor.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Downtown Live!
Thursday, June 6, 2019 @ 6-9pm CANCELED
The 2019 Downtown Live! free outdoor music series takes place on the lawn of the Imperial Centre for the Arts & Sciences, 270 Gay Street, Rocky Mount, NC. Food and beverage vendors will be available. Bring lawn chairs for comfort. Scheduled dates include: June 20, July 18, August 1, August 15, August 29, and September 12, 2019. The full schedule is also available at imperialcentre.org/events/downtown-live. (Article)
Outdoor Movie Series
Thursday, June 6, 13, 20, and 27, 2019 @ 8pm
Enjoy watching a family-friendly movies outdoors. Refreshments will be on sale via local businesses and food trucks. Bring lawn chairs/blankets for comfort. No pets allowed. Held on the back lawn of the Garner Performing Arts Center, 125 Avery Street, Garner, NC. See updates, weather notifications, or additional details via the Downtown Garner Facebook page.
Carolina Mudcats Baseball
Home games June 6-9, 13-16, and 24-30, 2019 @ Various Times
The Mudcats baseball Home games are played at Five County Stadium, 1501 NC-39 Hwy, Zebulon, NC. See the team’s schedule here.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Franklin County Farmers Market
Friday, June 7, 2019 @ 9am-1pm
Come and pick up locally grown food from local farms, fresh eggs, and more. Check with market directly for any schedule changes related to weather and other factors. (The market is also open Tuesdays and Saturdays.) The market is located in the parking lot at 137 Shannon Village, Louisburg, NC. Follow their Facebook page for updates, closings, and produce available at this year-round farmers market.
Friday Morning Movie
Fridays, June 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2019 @ 10am-noon
Join the Wilson County Public Library and Historic Downtown Wilson for this series of free summer movies. Watch a family movie and enjoy free refreshments as available. Movie showing at the Wilson County Public Library, 249 Nash Street W, Wilson, NC. No registration required; however, for large groups, email or call 252.237.5355 to arrange group visit. Future dates: July 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2019. See more here.
First Friday Flix
Friday, June 7, 2019 @ 7-9pm
Held the first Friday of each month, this movie showing is free and open to the public. “Feature a variety of film favorites and genres, including comedies, dramas, thrillers and more, often with a seasonal or historical theme.” Held at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S Brooks Street, Wake Forest, NC. Future dates: July 5, August 2, September 6, October 4, and November 1, 2019. See this event and more on the Wake Forest Renaissance Center Calendar.
First Friday Films
Friday, June 7, 2019 @ 7:30pm (movie at dusk) CANCELED
The Knightdale Parks, Recreation and Cultural Programs folks will show several films, with food trucks and activities too, in the amphitheatre at Knightdale Station Park, 810 N First Avenue, Knightdale, NC. Activities and food begin at 7:30pm, with movies starting at dusk. Bring a blanket/chair for comfort. Future Date: August 2, 2019. To see schedule and list of food trucks, visit this town event page. With questions, call 919.217.2236.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Wake Forest Farmers Market
Saturdays, June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2019 @ 8am-noon (Spring/Summer hours)
Weekly offerings from farms, artisans, and crafters at this year-round farmers’ market. Check with market directly for any schedule changes related to weather and other factors. Located at 235 S Taylor Street, Wake Forest, NC. The Wake Forest Farmers Market website is www.wakeforestmarket.org.
Local Farmers Market in Bailey
Saturday, June 8, 2019 @ 8am-noon
The Bailey Chamber of Commerce will be holding this special market day. Vendors will be offering fresh produce, artisans, craftspeople, and more. Held in downtown Bailey, NC. See notice here.
Wilson Farmers and Artisan Market
Saturdays, June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2019 @ 8am-1pm
Local farm offerings and handmade/homemade goods. Open Saturdays (and Wednesdays 8am-1pm) through October 2019. Held in the Pavilion at Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park, 301 Goldsboro Street S, Wilson, NC. See details here. Updates may be posted via the market’s Facebook page.
Farmers Market Rocky Mount
Saturdays, June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2019 @ 8am-1pm
Check out local farm and craft offerings at this weekly market. Held at 1006 Peachtree Street, Rocky Mount, NC. Updates may be posted to the market Facebook page. Note that during June, July, and August the market will be open Tuesday afternoons in addition to Saturday mornings.
Zebulon Farm Fresh Market
Saturdays, June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2019 @ 9am-1pm
Vendors at the Zebulon Farm Fresh Market offer farm produce, baked goods, handmade goods, arts, plants, and more. The market is open Saturdays through October 12, 2019. Zebulon Farm Fresh Market is located at the Zebulon Municipal Complex (town hall), 1003 N Arendell Avenue, Zebulon NC. Free parking available in the town hall parking lots. Follow the market on Facebook for updates and market theme information. If vendor spaces are available, information and 2019 application may be found on the town’s market web page.
Clayton Farm and Community Market
Saturdays, June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2019 @ 9am-1pm
The market will be open every Saturday for its regular season through the last Saturday in October 2019. The Clayton Farm and Community Market is located at 348 E Main Street, Clayton, NC. Contact information may be found at www.cfcmnc.org/contact. Follow this market’s Facebook page for updates.
“Return of the Plant” Open House and Celebration at MiH Farm
Saturday, June 8, 2019 @ 9am-5pm
Free, family-friendly, and informative event held as part of “Hemp History Week.” Tour the farm’s grow facility (limited space), hear seminars regarding history and hemp-health, and more. Organized and hosted by MiH Farm, 8337 Hilliard Road, Middlesex, NC. Visit NChempCBD.com or follow the farm Facebook page. With questions, call 919.696.7019.
ABC Craft and Learn: A Kindergarten Readiness Program
Saturdays, June 8, 15 and 29, 2019 @ 11:30am-12:15pm
Children ages 3-5 and their caregivers are invited to participate in this pre-reading skills development time. Held at East Regional Library, 946 Steeple Square Court, Knightdale, NC. East Regional Library information may be found via the Wake County Libraries website.
Note: This program is often held at the Zebulon, NC library and Wendell, NC library on the same/similar dates as Knightdale, though times vary.

Tarheel Shorties Film Festival
Saturday, June 8, 2019 @ 4pm-until
Indie films from NC artists, and for free. The 3rd annual Tarheel Shorties Film Festival kicks off in Wilson with indoor screenings at the historic Edna Boykin Cultural Center (108 Nash Street NE, Wilson, NC) and outdoor screenings at the Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park (301 S Goldsboro Street, Wilson, NC). See details on the Cucalorus website.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Summer Concert Series
Sundays, June 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2019 @ 6pm
Join the fun with this free, family event on the lawn at the Oliver Nestus Freeman Round House and African-American Museum, located at 1202 Nash Street E, Wilson, NC. Concert schedule may be affected by weather. For more information, visit the Round House website at www.theroundhousemuseum.com or follow the Round House Facebook page.
Coming Soon
Monday, June 10, 2019 @ 10:30am-12:30pm
Bring the kids for a free, family-friendly movie. Held the second Monday of each month, and open to the public. Held at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S Brooks Street, Wake Forest, NC. Call the centre’s Special Events Hotline at 919.435.9428 for movie title. Future dates: July 8, and August 12, 2019. For more information, visit the town’s event calendar.
Free at 3 (Movies for Senior Citizens)
Monday, June 10, 2019 @ 3pm
Free movie The Seagull at this monthly movie showing for seniors (age 50+). Popcorn will be on sale. Held at the Renaissance Centre, 405 S Brooks Street, Wake Forest, NC. For more information, visit the town’s event calendar.
Center Street Jam Summer Concert Series
Thursdays, June 13 and 27, 2019 @ 6-9pm
Come for these free, public, outdoor summer concerts. Bring lawn chairs for comfort. In addition to live music, each date food/drinks will be available for purchase and there will be activities for children. No coolers, no pets. ID needed for adult beverages. Address is 219 N John Street, Goldsboro, NC. See details and performers at www.dgdc.org/dgdc_events_type/center-street-jam. Additional dates: July 11 and 25, and August 8 and 22, 2019.
Gig in the Park Free Concert Series
Thursday, June 13, 2019 @ 6:30-9:30pm
Head to Historic Downtown Wilson and enjoy a free concert in this annual series at Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park, 301 Goldsboro Street S, Wilson, NC. Bring a chair or blanket for comfort during this outdoor event. There will be food trucks, adult beverages, kids activities, and everyone is welcome to dance. See list of concerts and performers here.
Monthly Movie at the Library
Fridays, June 14, 21 and 28, 2019 @ 3-5pm
Bring the kids and enjoy a free, family-friendly movie, no registration necessary. Held at the Lucama Branch library, 103 E Spring Street, Lucama, NC. Information on this library, part of the Wilson County Public Library system, may be found here. Follow the Lucama Library Facebook page for updates and other events.
Friday Night On White Free Concert Series
Fridays, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, 2019 @ 6-9pm
Come and listen to Sleeping Booty Band at this outdoor concert on White Street, Wake Forest, NC. Food and beverages will be for sale at area restaurants and food trucks too. See full schedule here.
Zebulon Family Movie Night
Friday, June 14, 2019 @ 6:30pm (movie 7pm)
A free, family-friendly movie is planned at the Zebulon Community Center, 301 S Arendell Avenue, Zebulon, NC. Free popcorn and bottled water is provided. Call 919.823.0432 for movie title. See Parks and Rec movies and other programs here.
Lawn Chair Theatre
Friday, June 14, 2019 @ 8:30pm
Watch a free, family movie at the city of Rocky Mount’s Lawn Chair Theatre series. Bring a lawn chair / blanket and settle in on the lawn of the Imperial Centre for the Arts and Sciences, 270 Gay Street, Rocky Mount, NC. Upcoming dates: July 12, August 9, and September 6, 2019. For more information on Lawn Chair Theatre, visit www.imperialcentre.org. (Article)
301 Endless Yard Sale
June 14-15, 2019
The “301 Endless Yard Sale” is held annually along US-301 through multiple counties including the founding-county Johnston, plus Halifax, Nash, Wilson, and Harnett counties in NC. Many locations, including residential yards and business parking lots along the highway. FYI, one stopover with vendors will be at the Tobacco Farm Life Museum, 709 N Church Street, Kenly NC. See the yard sale details at 301endlessyardsale.com.
Spruce Pine Alien Conference and Expo (S.P.A.C.E.)
June 14-15, 2019
Come to learn, network, and participate in a wide variety of activities. Held on Lower Street in downtown Spruce Pine, NC (Mitchell County). This is a free event open to everyone interested in the unknown. Some ticketed special events. (See article.)
Tarboro Market
Saturday, June 15*, 2019 @ 8am-noon
The market includes makers, growers, and antique/vintage vendors. Open on the first and third Saturdays* of each month through October. Location is 526 N Main Street, Tarboro, NC. (To sell, access the vendor application at www.prettyruggeddesigns.com/vendors.) Follow updates / confirm dates via Facebook here.
Space Movie Marathon
Saturday, June 15, 2019 @ 9am-6pm
People of all ages are welcome to come and enjoy this day of free (Star Wars) movies (trilogy) and free refreshments. Held at the Wilson County Public Library, 249 Nash Street W, Wilson, NC. Registration is not required; however, large groups should give advance notice by emailing gbaillie@wilson-co.com or calling 252.237.5355. The library is on Facebook here and online at www.youseemore.com/wilsoncountypl.
Around The Tables
Saturday, June 15, 2019 @ 10am-noon
Monthly event by Dream Coat Ministries offering free clothing for those in need, and a free lunch provided by the hosting church. Held at Now Faith Community Baptist Church, 8933 Buffaloe Road, Knightdale, NC. See this event and nonprofit information at dreamcoatknightdale.org.
Summer Movies @ The Library
Saturday, June 15, 2019 @ 2:30-3:30pm
Enjoy a family movie at the library. Time may be approximate if movie is longer. Held at East Regional Library, 946 Steeple Square Court, Knightdale, NC. Future dates: June 29, July 13, July 27, and August 10, 2019. Access library event including movie title via this library page.
Discover Your World: Family Movies @ The Library
Sunday, June 16, 2019 @ 2-3:30pm
Bring the family for a free movie at the library. Snacks are provided. Designed for students in grades K-5th. Held at East Regional Library, 946 Steeple Square Court, Knightdale, NC. Registration is not required. This is a monthly event. Future dates tentatively set as July 21, 2019 and August 18, 2019. See the Wake County public libraries’ East Regional Library web page to access calendar and movie details.
Food Truck Third Thursdays
Thursday, June 20, 2019 @ 11:30am-1:3opm and 6-8pm
Enjoy a meal from a variety of food trucks on the third Thursday of each month for lunch (11:30am-1:30pm) and dinner (6pm-8pm) at Knightdale Station Park, 810 N First Avenue, Knightdale, NC. The dinnertime hours will have live music. Next dates: July 18, August 15, September 19, and October 17, 2019. (Article)
Friday Nights on the Tar
Friday, June 21, 2019 @ 6:30-9:30pm
Free outdoor concert for all ages. Come and hear live music, pick up a meal/snacks from food trucks, and enjoy this monthly community gathering. Concerts are planned for the third Friday of each month May through September. Future dates: July 19, August 16, and September 20, 2019. Concerts take place in the downtown Amphitheatre, 116 N Main Street, Louisburg, NC. See more on the town website. (Article)
Blueberry Music Festival 2019
Saturday, June 22, 2019 @ 2-10pm
Head to the farm and enjoy a full festival day with live music, food trucks, snacks, local vendors, and activities / walking space throughout the farm’s “Back 40 Playground.” This fifth-annual Blueberry Music Festival is organized and hosted by Vollmer Farm, 677 NC-98 Hwy E, Bunn, NC. Tickets $10. See details at www.vollmerfarm.com.
Wake Forest Family Movie Nights
Saturday, June 22, 2019 @ 7:15pm (movie 8:3opm)
Enjoy activities and a free, public movie under the stars. Before the movie starts, enjoy an activity or buy goodies from food trucks. Bring blankets/chairs for comfort. Also, it is suggested patrons bring bug spray, a flashlight, and an umbrella. No pets, smoking, or alcoholic beverages are allowed. Movies shown at E. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Road, Wake Forest, NC. Future movie nights are: July 27 and August 10, 2019. Follow the Town of Wake Forest on Facebook. (Related Article)
Friday Afternoon Popcorn and A Movie
Friday, June 28, 2019 @ 2pm
The NASH holds a movie for seniors on the fourth Friday of each month. Popcorn is available for 25 cents a bag. Held in Room 112 at 103 N Alston Street, Nashville, NC. The NASH movie on June 28 is Footloose. Pre-registration is requested to ensure seating and refreshments; call 252.459.7681 to register. Follow The NASH & The Southern Nash Senior Center on Facebook for activities and updates. Or, view their newsletter for April/May/June 2019 here (PDF).
Teen Pizza and Paint Nights
Friday, June 28, 2019 @ 6-9pm
Teenagers in grades 9-12 are invited to hang out together. Pizza and soda provided. Students may bring an art project to work on while enjoying the company of others. Art materials are not provided. Held at the Arts Council of Wayne County, 102 N John Street, Goldsboro, NC, This event takes place at the same time as the Arts Council’s Community Drum Circle, and teens are welcome to join. Fee is $5 per student, which includes two slices of pizza and a soda. No outside food or drinks are allowed. See “fourth Friday” event info.
Later This Year
Selma Saturdays Arts and Crafts Market
Saturday, September 14, 2019 @ 9am-1pm
Browse a variety of local vendors for arts and crafts, handmade items, and more. Live entertainment too. Held at the Uptown Gazebo, 100 block of E Anderson Street, Selma, NC (parking lot behind Town Hall). For information including vendor booth reservations, contact Melissa Dooley at 919.965.9841 x.8003 or via email.
To request inclusion of a free or low-fee event, email details to the Editor. Sponsors and logos are not included in Things To Do in NC When You’re Bored listings. Events are added at the editor’s discretion.
Event organizers: News site display advertising is available month-to-month.
Event information may be gathered from various sources. While attempts are made to verify data, for most events contact details are included. If you’re planning to attend an event, use contact information or event links to confirm, check for updates or changes, or verify space is available. These events are publicized by The Grey Area News, but are not events overseen by this news site or staff. Highlighted events are selected by staff, generally due to prior experience with the event, knowledge of offerings, or relation to a recent article on this news site.
Why are the day, date, and year included, repetitively, under each dated heading? The better for visitors to cut-and-paste complete event information to share with others… Though sharing of this full list’s link is encouraged, so readers may see all upcoming events.
Ed. Note: Originally published June 4, 2019. Updated June 6-7 w/ cancellations due to weather.